Jana Hareter

E-Mail: jana.hareter@identifire.at
Mobile: +43 676 580 39 60

Marketing & Project Assistant (currently on educational leave)

Love for communication and enthusiasm for employer branding mark this young professional’s start at identifire® and wortwelt®. After having completed her education at the Higher Vocational College of Product Management and Presentation in Mödling, this open-minded graduate felt drawn to go abroad. In summer 2020, she settled in Vienna and has been studying English and Communication Design ever since. Since January 2022, she has been a great asset to the identifire® and wortwelt® team. Her daily tasks include office management, marketing assistance, and customer support on all projects and events. Jackpot! In a world of employer branding experts, she has found what she was looking for: an employer brand with authenticity.


HLP Mödling

Way of thinking

If you want, you will find a way. If you don’t want to, you’ll find reasons.