Our branding partner in London, UK

A modern “Business Love Story” today begins on the internet: reciprocal compliments on LinkedIn, a video conference and a first meeting in London – including a joint podcast recording. And the subsequent working lunch confirms: this is a cross-cultural cooperation around the favourite subject of brand that fires the imagination:

Here the branding agency GW + Co from London – the world capital in innovative communication. There identifire® as a specialist for employer branding and corporate culture from the World Cultural Capital of Vienna. Both strategic-creative transformation partners of their respective clients, complementing each other’s know-how and do-how.


And what do you get out of it?

You benefit from different cultural perspectives and professional expertise of both teams and thereby ensure a creative brand and employer brand experience of international standing – from analog to digital. Relevant, differentiating, authentic.

GW + Co works from an inspiring studio in London Waterloo. Centrally located in Old Paradise Yard, in the midst of a creative community with a film studio, light show designers, start-ups and a working farm. And with a beautiful workshop space …
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